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Should I use Zoom?

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to keep people at home, the use of video conferencing platforms like Zoom has skyrocketed. However, despite its popularity, there are several reasons why people should stop using Zoom for online meetings.

First, Zoom has a history of security and privacy issues. In April 2020, the company faced widespread criticism after it was discovered that Zoom meetings were not end-to-end encrypted, meaning that the company could potentially access the content of meetings. Additionally, Zoom has been found to have vulnerabilities that could allow hackers to take over user’s cameras and microphones, as well as to steal login credentials.

Second, Zoom has been criticized for its handling of user data. The company has been accused of selling user data to third parties, as well as of sharing data with the Chinese government. This is a particular concern for users who may be discussing sensitive or confidential information in their meetings.

Finally, Zoom has faced criticism for its business practices, including its decision to limit the functionality of free accounts and to charge users for features that were previously free. This has led many users to switch to alternative video conferencing platforms that offer better security, privacy, and value.

Overall, while Zoom may be a convenient and widely-used platform, there are clear reasons why people should consider switching to alternative options. Whether for security, privacy, or ethical concerns, there are plenty of alternatives available that offer better protection for users and their data.